Dear Colleagues
On behalf of the organizing committee, I love having you to the International Conference of the Genetics Society of Korea 2022 (ICGSK 2022). The conference will be held at the Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel located in the beautiful island of Jeju from October 12 to 14, 2022. Basically our committee is currently working on holding offline meetings with some exceptions without reference to COVID-19 situation. We have organized the program under the theme of ¡°From Mendelism to Modern Genetics¡± for the conference. In particular, this year marks the 200th anniversary of Gregor J. Mendel's birth. Since Mendel's achievements, genetics has developed remarkably so far.
Jeonghee Cho (Dankook Univ.) Young-Jun Jeon (Sungkyunkwan Univ.) Kyoungmi Kim (Korea Univ. ) Hoon Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Invited speakers
Minji Kim (The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine) Semin Lee (UNIST) Hongbin Ji (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Alice Berger (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center) Jason Kyungha Sa (Korea Univ.) Jung Kyoon Choi (KAIST)
Sung-Jin Cho (Chungbuk National Univ.) Tae-Young Choi (Wonkwang Univ.) Yoonsung Lee (Kyung Hee Univ.) Taejoon Kwon (UNIST) Hong Sook Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Invited speakers
Hyunsoo Shawn Je (Duke-NUS Medical School) Jeehye Park (University of Toronto) Jinju Han (KAIST) Marina L. Kennerson (ANZAC Research Institute) Hyun-Taek kim (Soonchunhyang Univ.) Tae Joo Park (UNIST)
Ik-Young Choi (Kangwon National Univ.) Seong-il Eyun (Chung-Ang Univ.) Kyudong Han (Dankook Univ.) Hyeran Kim (Kangwon National Univ.) Changsoo Kim (Chungnam National Univ.)
Invited speakers
Kornsorn Srikulnath (Kasetsart Univ.) Daechan Park (Ajou Univ.) Ye-ji Bang (Seoul National Univ.) Younghee Lee (University of Utah / Seoul National Univ.) Siyoung Yang (Ajou Univ.) Kayeong Lim (IBS)
Murim Choi (Seoul National Univ.) Semin Lee (UNIST) Jungmin Cho (Korea Univ.) Jangsup Moon (Seoul National University Hospital) Su Yeon Kim (Seoul National University Hospital)
Invited speakers
Sung Kyu Park (Seoul National Univ.) Kyle Cromer (University of California - San Francisco) Sang Su Bae (Seoul National Univ.) Samir Zaidi (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) Jungmin Choi (Korea Univ.) Seung Tae Baek (POSTECH)
Yi Lee (Chungbuk National Univ.) Soon Ju Park (Wonkwang Univ.) Jeongsik Kim (Jeju National Univ.) Sam-Geun Kong (Kongju National Univ.) Sang-Kee Song (Chosun Univ.) Kyung Do Kim (Myongji Univ.)
Invited speakers
Robert J. Schmitz (University of Georgia) Tomonao Matsushita (Kyoto Univ.) Yun Ju Kim (Yonsei Univ.) Sangrea Shim (Kangwon National Univ.) Ji-Young Lee (Seoul National Univ.) Sang-Tae Kim (The Catholic Univ.)
Ramada Plaza Jeju
66 Tapdong-ro, Samdo 2-dong, Jeju-si, Jeju-do